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Jewels Johnson
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Jewels - Podcast - Interviews

Top:   Jewels returned from speaking at Madonna University, Elele, Nigeria to a crowd of 25,000 on World Peace in May, 2015.


Middle  Jewels and Jack Canfield at Jewels' Queen Mary Event in Oct. 2014. 


Bottom:  Jewels proudly presents the hugely successful the Law of Attraction Convention at the Palm Springs Convention Center in April, 2014.



About Jewels Johnson

Jewels' lives in Southern California and is a hypnotherapist specializing in the Law of Attraction. An internet radio pioneer, Jewels began broadcasting 13 years ago with a simple message… You Are Magnificent!


Two years later, Jewels formed the Law of Attraction Radio Network to fulfill the many requests to have more inspiring shows available 7 days per week. Recognizing the necessary action steps, Jewels also learned the necessity to let go of the reigns and let the Universe take over. Today, the Law of Attraction Radio Network (owned by LOA Media, LLC) is heard all over the world  with the ever-evolving message to “TAKE BACK YOUR POWER.”


The incredible success of the network has made one thing perfectly clear. Listeners want to plug their minds into conscious creation 24/7. The network gives listeners opportunities to stay connected and avoid the negativity of the daily news. It also proves the existence of the Law of Attraction…”Build it [in love] and they will come.”

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Listen to "Jewels has NEW SHOW! Begin with the easy Basics of the Law of Attraction" on Spreaker.